Clearly, this is The Best Time Ever to pursue a career in journalism. Newspapers are falling, magazines are floundering, while websites are quickly overtaking both as the premiere media outlet with no clear business plan. So not only are the eager spring chickens not finding much stability, it seems the older, virile stand-bys aren't safe anymore either.
Liz Smith, a tried-and-true vet of various New York papers, is known best for her gossip column in the Post. Was, was known best, until yesterday, when her last article was printed. She will continue her usual exploits in various syndicated outlets and isn't leaving without her signature outspokenness and aplomb.
Check out this interview between the precursor to the days of Perez and Paris and Lloyd Grove. Somehow, I think she'll be just fine.
Long Live the Queen! [The Daily Beast]
image: Mediabistro