Thursday, February 12, 2009

This is Why I Might Have to Get Gastric Bypass

My lack (often perceived, I admit) of funds has mainly impacted my eating habits insofar as I don't keep a lot of food around (because I'm not buying it), I've become much more inventive with the available edibles (sweet potatoes and syrup: gluttonous or brilliant? Delicious!), and I tend to become preoccupied to an unhealthy extent with certain foods.

Last week, I may or may not have contacted the Girl Scouts to determine where I could purchase some tasty Samoas during the off-season. 

Thanks to this gluttonous? brilliant? blog, no longer will I research any and all recipes incorporating bacon with goat cheese. No more will I neglect my continuous employment investigation to create a color-coordinated excel spreadsheet to help a friend determine what New York restaurants she and her parents will enjoy when they visit- in 3 months

As Lizzie McGuire once sang, this is what dreams are made of, if your moments of nocturnal bliss involve salivating over sloppy joes atop a Krispy Kreme doughnut. Or if you can't wait until the day when you, too, finally, can start monitoring insulin injections, then here's a blog for you.

Thanks to this, my craving for tasty Girl Scout cookies may have passed, even though the higher ups still haven't responded to my query for Tagalongs in January.  

[This is Why You're Fat. Where Dreams Become Heart Attacks]