Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Anyone Need a Roommate?

My last attempt to search for housing was marked by crying jags and sleepless nights. It's that time again, when I have to search for another place to live. So far, not so bad, but it does seem that every time when I find something moderately promising on Craigslist, the listing requires that I live with 3 cats or walk in the nude in exchange for discounted rent or I have to leave in 2 months. 

Well, no tears or Ambien prescriptions yet, but I think I may have found a solution. 

Look who's in town: 

In case you can't make out the writing, Brangelina's brood has taken residence in Long Island, while she films her latest, in a 22,000-square-foot-house. With eight bedrooms and 12 bathrooms, their rented home meets all my stipulations, including fallout shelter AND barbershop. Now I can stop trimming my own bangs and keeping the bathtub full of water at all times in preparation for the nearest Y2K-like incident. Anyone need a nanny? I promise NOT to blog about it.

Angelina's Double Life- [AM New York]