And I am still tired.
See, I was a bit on the defensive about going home. More like, I was on edge, prepared to be verbally combative should anyone ask me the dreaded question, however well-intentioned:
"So... Dating anyone?"
But to my surprise, not one single person asked me about the status of my lovelife.

'what do you think about the situation in Chechyna?'
Perhaps, my cadre of acquaintances and friends have learned that I will most likely not have an interesting answer and oh Lord, have given up hope. Instead, I got a lot of this:
"What are you doing now?"Trying to articulate the year of transition that is your post-grad year is difficult. A couple of trusted individuals got the brunt of my frustration, and when I realized I was about the unleash a lot of verbal diarrhea about my defeated ambitions, I had to reign it in. Communicating exactly what I am doing with myself, with my life? I suppose I need to make some bulleted lists and be able to give concrete examples of how although it may appear differently, I do possess a strong sense of direction in my life.
My college friends the year below are going to graduate Saturday. I won't really be able to say I 'just' graduated anymore.
This is the part in my usual postings in which I do my darndest to be optimistic and positive, but nope, I'm going to continue sending my resume out and watch Pride and Prejudice in the meantime.