Today, amid power napping and chugging orange juice with the voracity of a college teen aiming for "Girls Gone Wild" stardom at the keg stand, I barreled through Jancee Dunn's latest, "Why Is My Mother Getting a Tattoo"?

If you've read "But Enough About Me", her first book, you're familiar with the closeness of her family. Now she devotes an entire book of essays to her ambivalence toward having children (don't fret, if you, like so many around her once did- she's a new mom), her parents' propensity for sending her volumes of irrelevant newspaper clippings (my own father sent me one jokingly my freshman year of college alerting me of the new Coyote Ugly opening in Memphis, with "You missed your chance" scrawled at the top), and of course, her mother's determination to get a black raven tattooed on her wrist.
I began the book on the first leg of my flight when I was trying to maintain breathing out of one nostril gracefully and chuckled not even discreetly. If my own family weren't alongside me on the cramped flight, cooing bolstering wishes of better health and checking my clammy forehead for fever, then reading Jancee Dunn's tales of her boisterous, close clan and its involvement in her wedding day, her quest for a new refrigerator, and her fertility is the next best thing.
But alas, I have plowed through the book. I may just start over again...although I could check for any openings at Coyote Ugly; I don't have Jancee's career just yet.