So I have been babysitting like the preteens from Connecticut, that is to say, fiendishly and frequently, and last night, I took care of a couple of children from London, based on a recommendation of one of my New York families. I had never met the kids, seeing as how they are in town from the UK, so the little girl in particular was quite curious about my American upbringing and my previous magazine experience.
The mother, based on her friend's reference and information about me (clearly, I haven't seen them in some time), passed on that I work at a magazine. "Ah, well, no more. I don't work there anymore," I said to the little girl. She did not even try to hide her disappointment; I felt like I had confirmed that the Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, et al were all FRAUDS whose money comes from sexual favors and drug smuggling (look again at that fairy "dust"). "So what do you do now?" the little girl asked.
I tried my hardest to make answering phones and wiping the spit-up from my younger charges' mouths sounds as glamorous as a weekend aboard George Clooney's yacht. I failed. So on we talked, including my trying to speak in British accent and getting the kids' feedback on its authenticity, until we circled back to the conversation about my employment, or lack of stable one at that.
Please witness the following conversation:
Girl: "What kind of job are you looking for?"
Me: "Well, I would like to work for a magazine or newspaper; I would really like to write."
G: "Why do you want to write?"
M: "I enjoy doing it."
G: "You should do something else."
M: "Like what?"
G: "You can get a different job and just write."
M: "So what do you think I should do?"
G: "You could be a rockstar, be famous, be a joker*. Instead of just sitting all day and do nothing but boring writing."
Such clarity. I think the rules of the game have changed. And to think a 5-year-old imparted such wisdom. I thought about also asking her relationship advice as she is currently juggling not one but TWO boyfriends, who are 16 and 17. But it was time for bed, and I had this to read.