Friday, January 9, 2009

Infrequently Asked Questions

I get a lot of mail from my devoted readers on account of the fact that I am incredibly popular and well-liked by my peers, or so I'm told. This is the time of the week when I kindly take time out of my rigorous schedule, prop my feet up, and share a little more with you, the gentle reader, about who I am. It's my pleasure.

What exactly is your job? 
Why? What have you heard?

Well, okay, what do you do at your job all day?
I'm in journalism so...when I'm not steaming my Guadalajara poncho, I generally try to be of assistance at the publication where I work and prove why they hired me. Occasionally, when there's down time, I talk myself out of making questionable fashion judgments and consume as much free coffee as possible to tide me over in between meals.

Why did you move to New York?

Need an answer? Send your perfectly spelled emails with an unparalleled demonstration of syntax and perfect grammar to Me, the Temp. Please limit your queries to Gossip Girl related items and what I might want for my birthday. No math or childcare concerns will be addressed.