Today has been one of those days. If this were kindergarten, my defeated spirit would most certainly be because I wet my pink Osh Kosh B'goshes or I cut my Barbie's hair at a most unflattering angle. Instead, I am an adult, still getting the hang of this whole independence thing, and after not getting the apartment I so fervently desired, there was an issue with payroll (and a fairly rude employee to boot). Commence minor breakdown in the lobby while on the phone with my parents. Getting honey all over my mouse and keyboard as well as the 300+ pages of copied material spilling over the copy tray (staying in order was key to the project) did not improve things.
But here's someone who's l-o-v-i-n-g the city, and when I think of them, I can't help but either. I stumbled upon this blog yesterday: The Rockstar Diaries. I am now vicariously involved in their, Naomi and Josh's, relationship, a recently married couple who documents their adoration of the city, their quest to find the perfect cupcake, and her love of headbands. Her take on living in New York is pure whimsy; I also really want her bangs and to be able to pull off red lipstick with such poise.