Thursday, August 6, 2009


So it seems the Impossible-to-Consider, Difficult, Inconceivable Thing might have happened today. I just changed the current career title of my LinkedIn profile of "Editorial Intern at Magazine Where I Have Not Worked in Almost Two Months" to -get this- Freelance Writer. I had been reluctant to change the title because how else could I qualify my occupation? "Professional True Blood Viewer with a Propensity for Sugary Treats and a Remarkable Knack for Delaying the Laundry"?

Positive Statement. Ringing affirmative. I'm a writer.

That's right, Loyal Readers. I've got a couple of projects on the pipeline: people (read: LEGIT professionals) are paying me to WRITE DOWN WORDS IN A CREATIVE MANNER*, and sending out pitches no longer inspires apocalyptic tummy troubles.

Victory in our time! I feel it.

*I'm getting a little CAP-HAPPY these days; let's give credit where it's due: I've been reading 382947 archived pages of this. She likes the caps lock as much as I like this place: A LOT.